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Tuesday 28 February 2017

Zederna In-sole #AHealingForYourStressedOutFeet

If you haven't heard about Zederna Insoles, don't worry I am about to fill you in. Insoles are free soles you can use in every shoe. I call them free because you can use 1 pair for at least
 your 5 pairs of shoes.
So a few months ago a German company (Zederna) went through my blog and decided to send me a pair of Insoles and boy, they are the best things that have happened to my feet in a drizillion years (if there's anything like that lol). If you're like me who work 10 hrs a day in their shoes, and you don't have at least a pair of Zederna  insoles, little wonder you feel older after just standing for 4-5 hrs. Zederna is a German company that makes insoles and more.


This thing works magic trust me. It also comes in different sizes

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Fashion tips, Style Secrets,Fashion News (Local and International)...


  1. Wow. Me love to feel one. You know my love for shoes. I'd love to own one. I'll call you.



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